

A Blockbench plugin. "BBPlugin" is the Typescript alias to the regular name "Plugin", which is also valid in Javascript projects.

new BBPlugin( id, options )

Creates a new BBPlugin

  • id: string
  • options: PluginOptions
    • title: string
    • author: string
    • description: string - Description text in the plugin browser
    • about: string (Optional) - The about text appears when the user unfolds the plugin in the plugin browser. It can contain additional information and usage instructions
    • icon: string
    • tags: Array (Optional) - Plugin tags that will show up in the plugin store. You can provide up to 3 tags.
    • variant: "both" or "desktop" or "web" - Where the plugin can be installed. Desktop refers to the electron app, web refers to the web app and PWA
    • min_version: string (Optional) - Minimum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • max_version: string (Optional) - Maximum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • await_loading: boolean (Optional) - Set to true if the plugin must finish loading before a project is opened, i. e. because it adds a format
    • new_repository_format: boolean (Optional) - Use the new repository format where plugin, iron, and about are stored in a separate folder
    • onload: Function (Optional)
    • onunload: Function (Optional)
    • oninstall: Function (Optional)
    • onuninstall: Function (Optional)
descriptionstringDescription text in the plugin browser
aboutstringThe about text appears when the user unfolds the plugin in the plugin browser. It can contain additional information and usage instructions
variant"both" or "desktop" or "web"
tagsArray of string

extend( options )

  • options: PluginOptions
    • title: string
    • author: string
    • description: string - Description text in the plugin browser
    • about: string (Optional) - The about text appears when the user unfolds the plugin in the plugin browser. It can contain additional information and usage instructions
    • icon: string
    • tags: Array (Optional) - Plugin tags that will show up in the plugin store. You can provide up to 3 tags.
    • variant: "both" or "desktop" or "web" - Where the plugin can be installed. Desktop refers to the electron app, web refers to the web app and PWA
    • min_version: string (Optional) - Minimum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • max_version: string (Optional) - Maximum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • await_loading: boolean (Optional) - Set to true if the plugin must finish loading before a project is opened, i. e. because it adds a format
    • new_repository_format: boolean (Optional) - Use the new repository format where plugin, iron, and about are stored in a separate folder
    • onload: Function (Optional)
    • onunload: Function (Optional)
    • oninstall: Function (Optional)
    • onuninstall: Function (Optional)

Returns: BBPlugin





BBPlugin.register( id, options )

  • id: string
  • options: PluginOptions
    • title: string
    • author: string
    • description: string - Description text in the plugin browser
    • about: string (Optional) - The about text appears when the user unfolds the plugin in the plugin browser. It can contain additional information and usage instructions
    • icon: string
    • tags: Array (Optional) - Plugin tags that will show up in the plugin store. You can provide up to 3 tags.
    • variant: "both" or "desktop" or "web" - Where the plugin can be installed. Desktop refers to the electron app, web refers to the web app and PWA
    • min_version: string (Optional) - Minimum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • max_version: string (Optional) - Maximum Blockbench version in which the plugin can be installed
    • await_loading: boolean (Optional) - Set to true if the plugin must finish loading before a project is opened, i. e. because it adds a format
    • new_repository_format: boolean (Optional) - Use the new repository format where plugin, iron, and about are stored in a separate folder
    • onload: Function (Optional)
    • onunload: Function (Optional)
    • oninstall: Function (Optional)
    • onuninstall: Function (Optional)

Returns: BBPlugin